NSW Property Professionals CPD Obligations

Kylie Walsh reminds NSW Agents who are planning their training calendars into the next year to be aware of the new CPD requirements that came into effect on the 23rd March 2023 and run until the 22nd March 2024.

There are new responsibilities for licensees in charge to maintain details of any proposed training for employees in an annual training plan and CPD training applies to Class 1 and 2 licensed agents and assistant agents.

Licensed Agents – Class 1 and 2

Agents under this category must undertake a minimum of 4 hours of CPD training that covers the compulsory topics that have been set out by Fair Trading. Three of the compulsory topics must relate to your area of practice.

Training can be conducted in either a face-to-face classroom format or as an interactive webinar and must be carried out by an approved provider.

There is no need to complete business skills or elective topics in this calendar year of CPD for Class 1 and 2 licensed agents if you participate in training that is delivered in an interactive training setting.

If it is not possible to complete 4 hours of training in the required format, there is an option to undertake 10 hours of training that focuses on compulsory topics, related to your area of practice in addition to other training.


Assistant Agents – holding a Certificate of Registration

Completion of three units from the Certificate IV qualification is required for Assistant Agents with topics that relate to their area of practice. A reminder that it is a maximum four-year period to complete the certificate of registration for the pathway to a class 2 licence and any training should be planned to ensure that they meet the requirements.

If you haven’t already, now is the time to plan out training with your team which will not only meet the legislative requirements but also enrich their knowledge and build their skillset within your organisation.

The Regrowth team can assist with bespoke training plans for you and the individuals in your departments through this next training calendar year. Contact us for more information on how we can help you to achieve success in 2023.


Build relationships with impact


Obligations and qualifications around Agricultural Tenancies in 2023.